Check African violets for evidence of pests. African violets are relatively easy to grow, but occasionally become infested with pests, like mites, that can be a challenge at times to control. Malathion is toxic to honeybees, so spray your African violets in the early morning or around dusk when bees aren't actively pollinating. I'm pretty sure my African Violet has mealy bugs preying on it. Botryis and Crown Rot flourish in poor air circulation. Leaf Mealy Bugs are coated with a white, powdery, wax-like substance which makes them look like specks of cotton clinging to your African Violet. Simply put, bugs can make your life (and your African Violets life) miserable. African Violet plants can get contaminated with Soil Mealy Bugs, if its kept next to another new plant contained these bugs, which has just been bought home. If the potting mix contains Soil Mealy Bugs, then it can transfer these bugs to African Violet plants during re-potting. This book was written with that in mind. Spray African violets every seven to 10 days until the aphids are gone. While many adult insects do not feed on African Violets, their larvae do. They can kill your plant and/or bring pests into your home when you decide to move your African Violet indoors. If you see what look like small bits of cotton on African violets… Always maintain good air circulation around your plants. These specks of "cotton" will be visible on the undersides of leaves, in the leaf axils and in or near the crown of the plant. When repotting, consider adding Diatomaceous Earth to your potting soil. Let the spray dry completely before you bring the plant back inside. Nematodes can also be introduced which parasitize them. There are other insects and mites which can be introduced into the plant collection to eat the problem insects as prey. Usually it is enjoyable to raise the lovely African violet hybrids available today. In recent years, African violet growers have been turning to natural predators and parasites of the insect and mite pests as a safe way to control the problems. I also found them on a nearby petunia, and that plant died. I have recently bought some beautiful, clean, healthy African Violets which I am determined to keep alive (indoors) and with tons of luck, to have them keep blooming. I'm not sure about other fly-like insects or bugs but fungus gnats are usually associated with soil that is damp and thus moldy (where the fungus grows). I love African violets and presently have five, which are doing magnificent... but, I … View full size Mary Schroeder Detroit Free Press This is a healthy African violet (named 'Iceberg'). Alls pests, insects and disease of the African violet and how to treat them are included. Mites damage the plants by sucking the juice out of flowers or leaves, often causing them to become yellow, twisted or disfigured. But at times it seems African violets and other gesneriads have more pests than any other in the plant kingdom. They look like little dabs of cotton and are on leaves and stems. Leaf Mealy Bugs feed on the juices of African Violets. First isolate the plant from other plants , sounds to me like aphids, they can attack other plants, Av's are also susceptible to clyclamen mites, mealy bugs and root mealy bugs.
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