Next, determine the smoothed gradient from Figure 5.2. The buildings more than two rows back are defined as sheltered. an escarpment – a steep slope or cliff separating two relatively level regions of ground that are at different elevations. Note that NZS 3604 5.2.5 defines an escarpment as the region beyond a crest where the gradient is less than 1 in 20. Exposed – a site that is steep (as defined in Table 5.2) or adjacent to an open space such as a playing field (see Figure 2) or beach or adjacent to a wind channel that is more than 100 m wide. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) continued its work in helping the state meets its ambitious decarbonization goals by providing guidance aimed at procuring more clean energy resources for the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to use in its 2021 to 2022 Transmission Planning Process. In addition to these planning efforts, over the next two years, more than 8000 MW of new clean energy resources are coming online in response to CPUC directions. The whole of the Philippines is divided into three major wind zones namely: high wind zone, mid-wind zone, and low-wind zone. Wind Zone I equates to a 70-mph fastest-mile wind speed. Determine if the site is in a lee zone. The online tool BRANZ Maps identifies a range of features for a specific location, including climate zone, exposure zone and earthquake zone. Thus, higher wind zones require higher values of θ but smaller values of C, while lower wind zones require lower values of θ but higher values of C. The θ-C combinations, adopted for tower design, determine the horizontal and vertical separation of conductors, and thus the basic tower configuration. The wind zone can now be applied to calculate the wind bracing demand from NZS 3604:2011, Tables 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7. 2005 wind speed map was based on a 100-year Mean Return Incident (MRI). (These values are shown in Table 1, column 10). Generally, the conductor sizes used on these lines have been standardized to help reduce construction times and spare requirements. For 400-kV line, this variation is even less (within 3%). Wind Zone is 3 so Wind Speed as per following Table. However, the pattern of variation C with mean wind speed, Wm, which has given satisfactory performance over a long period for different transmission lines in India, provides a dependable guide. This website is best viewed with JavaScript enabled. about 30 years of record. 3.18. This consists of a number of steps (see Table 5.2): i. 1, from which the following parameters can be determined: The values for mean wind speed, which correspond to the currently used swing angles for the five transmission lines. Although the configuration of towers used to support the transmission lines for all voltages will remain the same across the six wind zones, the weight/cost of these towers has increased because of higher wind pressures experienced in higher speed wind zones. 2, confirm that there are large variations ranging from 197% to 231% in the values of swing angles across the six wind zones; the swing angle θ varying in proportion to zone wind speed for transmission lines of different voltages. India is geographically divided into six wind zones on the basis of long-term meteorological data. There are wide variations in the values of θ and C across the six zones, but as these variations are in opposite directions, it is necessary to estimate their net impact on the configuration of conductors on the tower that, in turn, can affect the dimensions and, therefore, the weight/cost of the towers. Here is a breakdown of what each Wind Zone rating means: • Zone 3 – Designed to resist wind speeds up to 110 mph. In the late 1990s, the introduction of six wind zones in India created expectations that, for optimized designs, different swing angle-clearance combinations. For more information on the CPUC's integrated resource planning (IRP) processes, visit here. Determine the topographic class (T1–T4), from Table 5.2 and Figure 5.2 (see Figure 3). The conductor's H for different values of θ°C combinations for the six wind zones have been determined using well-established methodology, as shown in Fig. (Reproduced with permission from Standards New Zealand.). Wind Zone II equates to a 100-mph fastest-mile wind speed. Therefore, the gradient of the site is ‘low’ (from Table 5.2). Indeed, it's needlessly expensive to submit plans to the council only to have them declined. Welcome to BRANZ Build. Where wind zone is above extra high (from Table 5.4), the wind zone is SED or specific engineering design and is beyond the scope of NZS 3604. Learn about upgrading your browser (opens in a new window/tab). Wind Zone III equates to a 110-mph fastest-mile wind speed. These “Wm-θ” relationships for the five lines under consideration are shown in Fig. As this corresponds to a no-wind condition, it does not generally change because of a variation of wind speeds and, therefore, remains unaffected across the six wind zones. "It also positions us well for the adoption of more aggressive targets going forward.". to specific locations on the electric grid to minimize local air pollutants in disadvantaged communities and areas with poor air quality. It is now possible to determine the wind zone from Table 5.4 using the information gathered – wind region, ground roughness, topographic class and site exposure. The extra high (EH) wind zone category allows design for a wind speed up to 55 m/s. The main considerations for selection of preferred sites for OWF development are The first step is to identify the wind region for the building from NZS 3604:2011 Figure 5.1. Or if h = 50 m, h/L = 50/500 = 0.1 or 1:10. 3.1d Value of basic wind pressure: The basis for the formula for the pressure in (1) is not known. Two sets of these combinations are specified for 400-kV lines. Wind Velocity Selection. You can click on the map below to determine the basic wind speed for that location. Foundations and walls of timber-framed buildings must be braced to resist the horizontal forces from earthquakes and wind. wind speed map varies throughout the state, wind speed increases for Risk Category IV buildings range from 2% to 6% throughout compared to the 6th Edition (2017) FBCB. Three sets of conductor swing-angles (θ-C) versus conductor-to-tower clearance combinations determine the tower configuration and generally are specified for 66-kV, 132-kV and 220-kV lines. Rikh received a BE degree in 1953, an ME degree in 1977 and a PhD in engineering and technology in 1986. He continues to work as an advisor and consultant to several public sector undertakings and the Power Grid Corporation of India. Specific engineering design-classified buildings are beyond the scope of NZS 3604 and E2/AS1. The variation in horizontal spacing of conductors provides a fair yardstick to determine cost savings that can be achieved by adopting different sets of θ-C combinations for some or all wind zones. | Shaded (Special Wind Region) areas, mountainous terrain, gorges, and ocean promontories should be examined for unusual wind … Keywords: Anemograph stations, buildings and struc-tures, return period, wind speed map. This can be accomplished by using Equation 16-32 in the FBCB. Back to top The classification is a combination of wind region, terrain category, shielding and topography. Wind Zone III equates to a 110-mph fastest-mile wind speed. The coastline shall be measured from the mean high water mark. Determine the ground roughness from the two options defined by NZS 3604 paragraph 5.2.3: Generally, any built-up residential area (see Figure 1) or any forested area will be defined as urban. During this period, they were used uniformly in all parts of the country, generally providing trouble-free performance. minutes. Faced with additional costs, delays in construction and other problems associated with the introduction of multiple tower configurations, India's transmission line designers decided to use the same tower configuration for each voltage class in all wind zones. In the late 1990s, the introduction of six wind zones in India created expectations that, for optimized designs, different swing angle-clearance combinations would be used for each wind zone. This means areas within a Hurricane Prone Region with a design wind speed of <130mph (IBC 2009 = <110mph) are not a wind-borne debris region and do not require protection of openings. However, it is within the outer zone (<500 m). All rights reserved. If not flat ground, determine if the ground is: ii. specific changes in the design wind speeds in the con-temporary wind zone map for the design of buildings/ structures are highlighted and revision to the map is suggested. ³ This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Indian power systems are designed with 66-kV, 132-kV, 220-kV and 400-kV transmission lines. Skip to main content. These values, shown in Fig. BASIC WIND SPEED: The basic wind speed in miles per hour, for the development of wind loads, shall be determined from Figure1 1609 A, B, and C. The exact location of wind speed lines shall be established by local ordinance using recognized physical landmarks such as roads, canals, rivers and lake shores whenever possible. Based on the results of a test project, the conductor swing angles θ, corresponding to the six values of Wm, can be determined for lines of different voltages using the respective conductor diameter, conductor weight and a conservative value of 1.2 for vertical-to-horizontal span ratio. With considerably varying wind speeds in the six zones, the maximum and intermediate values of swing angle θ for the line conductors vary over these zones, resulting in higher values of θ for higher wind speeds. Note that these relationships are nearly straight-line expressions. However, for 132-kV and 220-kV lines, there is considerable negative variation (reduction) in the horizontal spacing of conductors with reference to the presently used values, ranging from -9% to -19% for 132-kV lines and between -3% to -17% for 220-kV lines. Wind Zone III – Along the coast of certain states, homes must be built to withstand up to 110 miles per hour winds since these are the areas that hurricanes are more frequent. A scenario including the significant development of offshore wind to better understand the transmission needs for California. Where a site is within 500 m of the boundary between urban and open terrain, it must be considered as open terrain. When designing bracing, calculations of both earthquake and wind forces (called bracing demand) must be made and the building constructed to withstand the stronger of the calculated forces (called bracing capacity). Industry helpline: 0800 80 80 85 In example 1, with steep gradient in outer zone, the topographic class is T3; with the low gradient in outer zone, the topographic class is T1. Wind Zone I equates to a 70-mph fastest-mile wind speed. The θ-C combinations mainly affect the horizontal spacing, H, of the conductors. The first step is to identify the wind region for the building from NZS 3604:2011 Figure 5.1. The manufactured home producer designs the home to resist the wind load, which is measured in pounds per square foot. FIGURE 1609.3(3) ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEEDS, V ULT, FOR RISK CATEGORY IV BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES NOTE: Because the FBCR only addresses one- and two- The values of basic wind speed (that is, peak gust velocity averaged over an interval of 3 sec) have been specified for the six wind zones of India. Use our ASCE Wind Speeds map to easily obtain the ASCE wind speeds (7-16, 7-10, 7-05) for any location in the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico and Alaska. For example, wind speed will increase as it passes over and between hills and decrease when passing over rough ground. In addition, some 800-kV ac and 500-kV HVDC lines are in operation. Sheltered – a site surrounded by at least two rows of obstructions that are permanent, similar in size and at the same ground level. He has published more than 100 technical papers and presented numerous papers at national and international conferences. The recent decision recommends the CAISO to study a transmission plan that: 1. An accelerated scenario that meets a 38-MMT GHG emissions target in 2031, including a portfolio of 20,000 MW of new in-state renewables, more than 10,000 MW of new battery storage, and 3000 MW of out-of-state renewables. WindSpeedByZip is a tool for Architects, Engineers and Builders to easily determine the 3-second gust basic windspeed* (Figure 6-1 of ASCE 7-05 and now Design Wind Speed per ASCE 7-10 maps) for any location in the continental United States.To determine the basic windspeed, fill in the address below. 4.3 Wind Speed Data from Other Sources - The introduction of multiple θ-C combinations on transmission lines of the same voltage would result in different tower designs, which would increase design, construction and maintenance costs. Zone 3 homes should be able to resist winds of up to 110 mph. a hill – land rises to a crest or high point then falls again on the other side. Step 5. Wind Zone II equates to a 100-mph fastest-mile wind speed. These observations suggest that although the presently used θ-C values could continue to be used for 66-kV and 400-kV lines across all six wind zones without sacrificing any economic benefit, there would be some techno-economic benefit if one or two additional sets of θ-C combinations were introduced for 132-kV and 220-kV lines, especially in lower wind-speed zones. Figure 3: Topography (including escarpment conditions). The relationship between clearance and wind speed has been well documented but the results vary considerably due to a number of complex factors. This results in smaller values of C with higher wind speeds. 3. "Our decision is an important step in helping us prepare for the large-scale investment in clean energy resources that we will need to meet our ambitious climate goals," said Commissioner Clifford Rechtschaffen. The regions are too general, however, as land formations can modify and create significant localised variations to wind speeds. Determine the location of the site as T1 (valley floor), outer zone or crest zone. The ultimate design wind speed, V ult, in mph, for the determination of the wind loads shall be determined by Figures 1609.3(1), 1609.3(2) and 1609.3(3). 2016 maps were adjusted again into four sets of maps, where the maximum MRI is 3,000-year. Lee zones may have higher wind speeds. May various best collection of galleries for best inspiration to pick, we can say these thing lovely portrait. The topographic class (T) must be determined from Table 5.3. Figure 1: Built-up residential areas are generally defined as urban. Some diehards refuse evacuate ahead matthew, Mandatory evacuation orders had been issued people living barrier … The map represents 3-sec gust wind speeds with annual probability of exceedance of 0.02 (or 50-year return period). The values of Wm specified for wind zones 1 through 6 are found to be 110, 130, 147, 157, 166 and 183 km/hour, respectively. Additionally to timber bracing, wind also impacts other elements of design, which will have to be accounted for. For more information on the CPUC's integrated resource planning (IRP) processes, visit, 21st-Century Costs of Underground Distribution: Lowering costs with the technology to “see” underground, Materials Solutions Enable Value of Strategic Undergrounding, AiDash launches 2021 Vegetation Management Best Practices for Electric Utilities, Jennifer M. Granholm Sworn in as 16th Secretary of Energy, Duke Energy Provides US$40,000 to Aid Texans during Recovery from Winter Storms, Biden Orders Review of Energy, EV Battery Supply Chains, Four Unaffiliated ERCOT Board Members to Resign, California Commission Provides Transmission Planning Guidance to CAISO, New York Commission Approves 54-Mile Transmission Line, The Customer Perspective About PSPS Events, Iowa Board Approves New Electric Transmission Line in Madison County. The first step to managing wind speed on your property is taking wind zoning into account early on in the design process. Includes two "sensitivity" portfolios that study the transmission needs for two other scenarios. Often wind determines the bracing requirement for timber-framed buildings. 2009 AASHTO LTS-5 specification 3-second gust basic wind speeds (mph) with gust effect factor (G) of 1.14 and 25 year design life wind map (ASCE 7-05) is shown above. 4, confirm considerable variation (ranging from 116% to 51% in the values of C across the six wind zones) but in reverse order (lower values of C for higher wind zones). May you like wind zone 3 mobile homes. This means more buildings come within the scope of NZS 3604:2011 and E2/AS1. Rikh retired from the U.P. The dynamic pressure at wind speed V is given by Pd = -[P V2 = 0"58 V 2 Pa, (5) Perhaps the following data that we have add as well you need. iii. This tool shows maps of average monthly wind speed and direction for the contiguous United States from 1950 to the present. The maximum values for swing angles, which correspond to the Wm specified for the six wind zones. This wind map should be used to determine wind velocity for your specific location. Includes a base case portfolio with more than 28,000 MW of new greenhouse gas (GHG)-free resources, including geothermal, long-duration storage resources, and 9000 MW of new battery storage. This resource portfolio is consistent with meeting a 46-million metric ton (MMT) GHG emissions target for California's electricity sector in 2031 and in line with California's target of reducing overall GHG emissions statewide by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and also with what is necessary to meet the state's reliability goals. This map divides the country into two wind regions – A and W – based on wind speed data from the New Zealand MetService. The smoothed gradient of the hill is assessed over the horizontal upwind distance between the crest of the hill and the lesser of three times the height of the hill (H) or 500 metres (L). The main difference between Wind Zones 1-3 and Wind Zone 4 are the number of impacts required and the deflection limits. A site adjacent to farmland or other open space will be defined as open terrain. Articles are correct at the time of publication but may have since become outdated. He has received several honors in India and has worked on the CIGR… Study Committee 36 for six By Similarly, the requirement of clearance, C, between the (live) conductors and the nearest (earthed) structural member of the tower varies with the wind speed because of the latter's effect on deionization of the intervening air space. An increase of H will increase the width and, correspondingly, the height (for the same shield angle of the ground wires) of the towers, resulting in heavier, costlier structures. Okay, you can use them for inspiration. This describes a six-step process. THE wind speed map included in the IS:875 (Part-3)1, For example, wind speed will increase as it passes over and between hills and decrease when passing over rough ground. These are shown as hatched areas in Figure 5.1. Although New Zealand lies in a region of high seismic activity, it is often the horizontal forces imposed by wind that determine the bracing requirement. Wind Zone Map. To determine wind speed classification, see this Build pages 24–25. Guidance aimed at procuring more clean energy resources to help California meet energy needs and climate goals. It is well known that C varies with the wind speed due to the latter's effect on deionization of the intervening space. The wind speed maps have gone through adjustments to help improve the strength of the structure. However, the Zone covers sufficient area to allow Seagreen a degree of flexibility in identifying the most appropriate areas to develop based on the potential constraints within the Zone. Urban terrain – more than 10 obstructions over 3 m high, such as houses or trees, per hectare. Using Wm, shown in column 10 of Table 1, the “Wm-C” relationship for the five typical Indian transmission lines is shown in Fig. Proper line design criteria should result in appropriately designed lines that will result in transmission line projects built to meet India's quickly developing power infrastructure needs. From Table 5.4, a site in region W classified as T4 (moderate crest zone), urban and exposed, is in wind zone EH (extra high wind speed – maximum 55 m/s). We walk through how to find the correct wind zone for a site using NZS 3604:2011. Radius: Radius of the Spherical Wind Zone (only active if the mode is set to Spherical). A means of determining the wind zone for a specific location is in NZS 3604:2011 Table 5.1 (see Table 1). Wind Zone 4 consists of areas with a wind speed of greater than 170 mph and Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Manufactured Housing Institute - Basic Wind Zone Map Vasd = Vult√0.6 (Equation 16-32) where Vasd represents the equivalent nominal or ASD-level wind speed and Vult is the design wind speed from Figures 1609A, 1609B, and 1609C. The smoothed gradient is the elevation (h) divided by the relevant distance (L). These values, presented in Fig. the 2007 wind speed maps, the new map values have to be converted to an ASD form. by Alide Elkink. Alide Elkink Using these relationships, the requirement of C is evaluated for the wind speeds in each zone. Poles mounted on structures (such as bridges and buildings) must consider vibration and coefficient of height factors beyond this general guide; Consult local and federal standards 4. The NESC provides no guidance on wind speeds in this area other than to recommend regional wind studies be performed as part of design. The area highlighted in red is denoted as a “Special Wind Region” by the NESC. The CPUC's role in the CAISO's Transmission Planning Process is to select generation and storage resources for the CAISO to study for its transmission needs. State Electricity Board, one of India's largest public sector power undertakings, after a 36-year career. The other component of conductor configuration (vertical spacing) is mainly affected by the conductor clearance with 0° swing. Wind speeds and listed EPAs are for ground mounted installations. Figure 5.2 from NZS 3604:2011. WIND LOAD FOR HOUSING AS4055 -2012 sets out 10 wind classes N1~N6 & C1~C4. Where the zone is not high (H), the multiplier for the relevant wind zone is used to calculate the correct wind bracing demand. Various extreme wind speed maps or extreme wind speed estimation for the Philippines were cited, such as those by Simiu [1974], ASEP [1972-2001], Rosaria [2001], Rellin et al [2002], Holmes & Weller [2002], and Garciano et al [2005a]. Open terrain – open areas with only isolated trees or shelter, such as adjacent to fields or beaches and open bodies of water. These tables give wind bracing demands (BU/m) for the subfloor structure and the walls of single and upper floors and the lower of two-storeys. 3. Turbulence: The value represents the noise of the wind. However, studies showed that although the conductor swing angles vary considerably due to wind speed characteristics in each zone, their net impact on the tower configuration and cost are largely offset by a counter variation of conductor clearances. Generally, the conductor sizes used on these lines have been standardized to help reduce construction times and spare requirements. Wind zone affects the entire scene in one direction. Areas of change Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and Basic Wind Speed-Vb (As per IS 802-Part1) Wind Zone Basic Wind Speed, vb m/s: 1: 33: 2: 39: 3: 44: 4: 47: 5: 50: 6: 55: Wind Speed (vb) = 44Mile/Second. This map divides the country into two wind regions – A and W – based on wind speed data from the New Zealand MetService. Learn about enabling JavaScript, This website is best viewed on a newer browser than the one you are using. Indian power systems are designed with 66-kV, 132-kV, 220-kV and 400-kV transmission lines. See all articles Within the tool, click the Overview link in the upper right for information about the maps. Determine site exposure from the two options in paragraph 5.2.4: Comment C5.2.4 states that typical suburban developments on flat or near-flat ground are generally classified as sheltered (see Figure 1). In example 1, the building is located 250 m from the crest of the hill, which is more than H (= 180 m) so it is outside the crest zone. Wind Zone 3—150 mph (58 m/s) ≤ ultimate design wind speed, V ult ≤ 170 mph (76 m/s), or 140 mph (54 m/s) ≤ ultimate design wind speed, V ult ≤ 170 mph (76 m/s) and within 1 mile (1.6 km) of the coastline. Figure 2: Sites adjacent to an open space such as a playing field are defined as exposed. 1 February 2012, • Zone 2 – Designed to resist wind speeds up to100 mph. • Wind Speed 140mph or greater (IBC 2009 = 120mph & greater) = Wind-borne debris region regardless of distance from coastal mean high tide. It’s designated for areas that are hurricane prone and can experience up to 100 miles per hour wind speeds. Online service to determine the basic value of the basic wind speed and the basic wind velocity pressure with display of the wind zones in Germany according to DIN EN 1991-1-4. The regions are too general, however, as land formations can modify and create significant localised variations to wind speeds. Therefore, the gradient of the site is ‘steep’ (from Table 5.2). © 2021 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. Build 128. Three sets of conductor swing-angles (θ-C) versus conductor-to-tower clearance combinations determine the tower configuration and generally are specified for 66-kV, 132-kV a… The manufactured home producer designs the home to resist the wind load, which is measured in pounds per square foot. For the two 66-kV lines, the variation in the horizontal spacing of conductors is within 7% of the presently used values. The minimum basic wind speed is 90 mph on a 3 second gust interval (See Figure 1).
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