The suitors are described negatively as being rude, slovenly, disrespectful and ungrateful. Odysseus was mad with the suitors because they wanted to remove him from his throne, they wanted to marry Penelope, and the suitors were disrespectful to Ithaca. He tries to blame Antiniousfor all of the suitors actions. Immediately after praying, Odysseus takes an amazing shot at the suitor Antinoos, and it was a shot that no other man could have made.4 Although Zeus, Athena, and Apollo are the only ones who directly help Odysseus kill the suitors, the other gods do not have a problem with the killing of the suitors. What Odysseus do was an act of compulsiveness because in his mind Odysseus had planned this massacre for a long time. Odysseus, in disguise, will follow. Second, they were disloyal to Odysseus as ruler of Ithaca in their attempts to displace him by taking his wife. She has her move it into a different spot in the room. Who fights alongside Odysseus in the slaughter of the suitors? 300. With that as a premise, the father and son devise their plan. Odysseus then strung the bow and shot his first arrow through the twelve axes. Odysseus-the-beggar interjects to say that it upsets him to hear about the sad state of affairs at the palace, and that he wishes he could help fight the suitors; if he were Odysseus, he says, he would deserve death if he did not fight his offenders, and he would gladly die trying to fight them rather than tolerate their insulting behavior. With the intervention from Athena, goddess of wisdom, victory, and war, peace was restored on Ithaca. No matter how poorly the suitors may treat the old beggar, Odysseus and Telemachus are to bide their time and refrain from striking back until the moment is right. Telemachus is to return to town and mix with the suitors. Antinous leads the campaign to have Telemachus killed. Immediately after praying, Odysseus takes an amazing shot at the suitor Antinoos, and it was a shot that no other man could have made.4 Although Zeus, Athena, and Apollo are the only ones who directly help Odysseus kill the suitors, the other gods do not have a problem with the killing of the suitors. A loyal servant of Odysseus, who helps him fight the suitors with Philoetius: Eurycleia: An old woman servant , a devoted nurse to both Odysseus and Telemachus in their youth: Eurymachus: A suitor who is an evil coward. Odysseus had no right to kill the suitors. Two of the servants, Telemachus, and Athena (disguised as Mentor) fight with Odysseus to kill the suitors. Creatures, part woman and part bird, whose songs lure sailors to their death, Eurycleia. An old female servant, still loyal to Odysseus. Athena helps Odysseus disguise himself before he reveals himself to Penelope, so that he can observe her interaction with the suitors. She also helps him defeat and kill Penelope's suitors … Odysseus then revealed his identity to Eumaeus and Philoetius and recruited them to help kill the suitors. He helps Odysseus by telling him that the suitors are armed because Melanthius gave them weapons. The suitors’ issue was resolved by holding a bow contest, which led to the slaughter of the suitors by Odysseus and his son, Telemachus. He is killed 2nd. The remaining suitors begin to arm themselves, with help from Melanthious (a servant whose loyalties now belong with the suitors). ... Because the suitors will kill him. What does Penelope tell her housekeeper Eurycleia to do with Odysseus’ bed? Sirens. 200. Odysseus and Penelope's son, helps kill the suitors with Odysseus. Who helps Odysseus fight against the suitors? The most arrogant of Penelope's suitors. First, they were disrespectful to him and his household, especially the first ones he and his son target with arrows and spear. Antinous. Odysseus, with the help of Telemachus, slays the suitors for two main reasons. The people who work at Odysseus' house and Telemachus.
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