One of the 8-year-olds is Hobbs’ stepson, Stevie Branch. Yet while their quest for justice is admirable, with West of Memphis, they have overstepped. Hobbs hit the boy in the head and shouted, "I am going to teach your fucking ass." Stupid yuku Well, those that have kept up with Terry Hobbs Deposition will already know that there are 4 journels, and there is conversation about som Terry Hobbs Clears West Memphis Three! Guy stated in his affidavit that L. G. Hollingsworth also confessed to participating in the murders while both were incarcerated in the Crittenden County Jail in 1995. Hobbs was the stepfather of Steve Branch. If you’d like a chance to receive a free copy, signed by both Terry and Vicky, please go Like/Share or Love/Re-tweet the photo below on Facebook on Vicky Edwards, Author page or @svedwards on Twitter. In 1994, three men were convicted of their murders: Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin. Hollingsworth said that he, Buddy, and the two older men all participated in beating the three eight-year-old boys, and confirmed Buddy's account that Hobbs ordered the two teens to take off the pants of the boys, before cutting the genitals of one of them with his knife. At that point, according to Lucas's account, Terry Hobbs asked the two teenagers to get out and "wrestle" while he and Jacoby watched. According to the Stewart affidavit, "Mr. Hobbs walked over to the boy that Mr. Jacoby had been beating and repeatedly bit the boy's penis and scrotum," then "cut the boy's genitals." According to Guy's account of Hollingsworth's confession, Terry Hobbs became enraged after one of the boys began kicking him. Terry Hobbs would later state that he shot Jackie Jr. in self-defense. It includes depositions saying Terry Hobbs admitted to family members that he committed the murders and they are the Hobbs Family Secret. Sgt. They came to hear new evidence that points to Hobbs' ex-husband Terry Hobbs as the killer and not the so called West Memphis Three. While Jacoby beat one of the kids, Hobbs ordered Buddy and L. G. to pull off his pants. Allen + Det. (They neglect to point out, however, that much of the most potentially persuasive evidence that defense attorneys hoped to introduce in those trials was excluded by Judge Burnett.) In August 2011, the three teenagers who had been convicted of the grisly killings, Damien Echols, … David Jacoby has stated that Terry Hobbs came to his house around 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. the day the boys disappeared. The filmmakers note that the most significant piece of DNA evidence found at the crime scene, DNA in a hair found in one of the shoelaces used to tie up the boys, matched the DNA of Terry Hobbs (as well as 1.5% of the population). Todd Moore asserted, "Terry Hobbs did not murder my son. Guy stated that while Buddy (who Guy describes as "pretty bad slow') was staying in his home in 1994 he confessed his involvement in the killings. March 26, 2019 March 26, 2019 vicky. You can also get a signed copy of the book at the Arts in the Park author signing hosted by the Garland County Library on May 2nd. On May 5th, 1993, three boys disappeared into the woods: Stevie Branch, Michael Moore, and Chris Byers. This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged buddy lucas, david jacoby, lg hollingsworth, terry hobbs, west memphis murders, west memphis three on May 6, 2014 by westmemphissix. This is the extended web version of Terry’s interview about his memoirs. Of course, reckless doesn't mean wrong. Having once been adamant on the West Memphis Three's guilt, he accepted their innocence and, instead, pointed the finger at Terry Hobbs, Steve's stepfather. Hamish McKenzie, writing in The Atlantic, was critical of the decision of filmmakers in West of Memphis to place the blame for the murders on Terry Hobbs, calling Jackson a"self-appointed producer-prosecutor" and the charges made in the movie "reckless." He reminds me of every abuser I've ever known. In statements under oath, the three witnesses say that Michael Hobbs told them, "My uncle killed three boys in West Memphis." But, it is finished! Getting back in the pick-up, Hobbs, Jacoby, and the two boys drove around town, smoking pot and drinking whiskey, before heading down a dirt road by the Blue Beacon Wood. The story of Echols, Misskelley Jr., and Baldwin, as well as the gruesome murders and trial that followed, was chronicled in a three-hour special, 'The West Memphis Three: An ID Murder Mystery,' that premiered on Investigation Discovery on Sunday, April 5 at 9/8 c. [Jonesboro Sun editorial, 6/13/2012] Other critics of the Hobbs-as-the-murderer theory noted that the statements by three young men, two decades after the crime, about the Hobbs "family secret" are three or four times removed from any original source, and are far less probative than the second-hand testimony of two witnesses ("I heard Damien say...") in the Echols/Baldwin trial. The demeanor of Terry Hobbs is rife with the general contempt vibe and it is strong! [signed] Mike Allen, The West Memphis Three Trials: An Account, The West Memphis Three Trial: Selected Images, The Accusations of Aaron Hutcheson, Age 8. Todd Moore, father of victim Michael Moore, found the evidence against Hobbs unpersuasive. Critics of the "Bojangles theory" also point out that the bleeding man reportedly wore a cast on one arm, a fact they say would have made it very difficult to tie up and murder the three boys. the Manager stated that the black man was 5-11, thin dirty, late 20's, pair of sunglasses were left in toilet suspected by Black / male. And finally, if you’d like to attend a workshop session about writing memoirs and get a little insight into working with Terry and the whole book publishing process, you can sign up here It’s free! The manuscript was finalized yesterday! Website: https://hotspringsarts.orgFacebook:, Excited to share the finalized book cover! Nearly two decades ago, Terry Hobbs' stepson Stevie Branch was murdered and three boys were convicted of the crime. In 2013, what seems likely to be close to the true story of the West Memphis murders finally emerged in separate affidavits signed by Billy Wayne Stewart and Bennie Guy. On June 21, 2007, Terry Hobbs was interrogated by the West Memphis Police Department. I can't remember which video has the bugged conversations between Hobbs and Jacoby, it may even be the West of Memphis documentary, but Terry's tactics are so obvious in that conversation. On May 6, 1993, three boys are found hog-tied and murdered in a ditch in West Memphis, Arkansas. New documents claim that Terry Hobbs and three other men killed the three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis, Arkansas after catching them spying on them as they took drugs. They also contend that the fact that three different knots were used to hogtie the young victims points to the involvement of three killers, not one or two. Subject had a blue cast type brace on his arm that had white Velcro on it. The West Memphis Child Murders: Part 3. The level of detail and overall plausibility of the stories told in the affidavits make it seem highly credible, even if they do come from an admitted drug dealer and a convicted felon. In the film, Jacoby doubts whether he spent as much time with Hobbs that night as Hobbs suggests. She has since expressed her belief that her ex-husband was involved in the murders, citing the discovery of her son's favorite pocket knife in Terry Hobbs' belongings. John Mark Byers, stepfather of Chris Byers and initially the subject of considerable suspicion himself, is shown calling Terry Hobbs a "baby killer" outside an Arkansas courtroom. Voices for Justice: A Rally in Support of the West Memphis 3 ... Three new eyewitnesses have also come forward and filed sworn affidavits with the court identifying Terry Hobbs as the last person to have custody of the three children immediately before their disappearance and murder. The West Memphis Child Murders: Part 1. King reported that the man (with muddy feet, wearing a white cap, black pants, and a blue shirt) had blood on his face and arm and appeared "mentally disoriented," but had left the restaurant a few minutes before the officer arrived. They also managed to find a neighbor who claimed to have seen Hobbs with the three boys on the night of the murder, something Hobbs strongly denied. Hobbs and David Jacoby were interviewed by the West Memphis Police Department on June 21, 2007, about their recollections of May 5 and 6, 1993. They also question the alibi given by Hobbs, that he spent the evening of the murders with his friend, David Jacoby. The (False) Confession of Jesse Misskelley, Jr. Damien Echols: Statements and Polygraph Reports (May 9-10, 1993), West Memphis Three Trials: The Transcripts, Jury Decisions in the West Memphis Three Trials, The West Memphis Three Trials: Key Appellate Decisions, The West Memphis Three Trial: Questions for Discussion, Free at Last! This site will document the evidence against Terry Wayne Hobbs. You can get your copy Here. - Page 26 - WM3DB Main Page After an altercation with his wife, Pam Hobbs, wherein he reportedly hit her, he shot his brother-in-law. Terry Hobbs issues statement about WM3 release Submitted by Jason Plank, Thursday, August 25th, 2011, 1:08pm February 25, 2012 vicky They argue that Jesse Misskelley confessed no less than five times to the killings after his arrest and in the year following the trials. Det. No additional interviews were ever conducted with Bojangles employees about the incident. At right is her husband, Terry Hobbs. You can view that segment titled “West Memphis Three Special” #TerryHobbs #WM3, Ed Opperman also did a segment titled “Where the Monsters Go: The Case Against the West Memphis 3 Killers.”, Box Full of Nightmares -Coming 2019 #TerryHobbs #WM3(Promo art credit to Paige Reeves), — Vicky Edwards (@svedwards) November 8, 2018. Boxful of Nightmares: Terry Hobbs' personal memoirs on the West Memphis Three Murders - Kindle edition by Edwards, Vicky, Bowie, Vaughanda. Evidence uncovered by their defense team points to the possible involvement of Terry Hobbs (stepfather of victim, Stevie Branch). His meekness is transparent. They note that Damien Echols had a long history of mental health problems before the murders and described himself at one point as homicidal, suicidal, and schizophrenic. After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. came back out to Missouri + walked toward Delta Service Station. In Jackson's court, the only witness allowed to speak in support of Terry Hobbs is his sister, Cindy Hobbs. WEST MEMPHIS, AR — Before Making a Murderer and before Serial, there was the West Memphis Three. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. : West Memphis Three Released, The West Memphis Three Trials: Links and Bibliography (2013). Jackie Jr. Hicks came to the Hobbs' residence after he was informed of the encounter. In 2007, when FBI profiler John Douglas was investigating the murders of Christopher Byers, Stevie Branch and Michael Moore, he said Stevie’s stepfather, Terry Hobbs, was “on the front burner” of suspects. Marty King related that they had a Black / male on 5/5/93 Between 9:00 - 9:30 PM that a Black / male was found the ladies bathroom bleeding from the arm. Pam Hicks, Mother Of West Memphis Three Victim, Names New 'Suspects' In Affidavit The "West Memphis Three", from left, Jessie Misskelley Jr., Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin attend a special screening of "Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory" during the 49th Annual New York Film Festival at Alice Tully Hall on Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 in New York. Both Terry and Vicky will be in attendance. While Lucas does not specifically say the wrestling soon turned into sexual activity involving him, L. G. Hollingworth and the two men, Stewart has no doubt that is what happened, asserting that the lowered head and shame evident on the boy's face as he told the story made it clear there was "more going on between the boys and the men than what Buddy had just told me." An aunt of Stevie Branch, Judy Sadler, accuses Hobbs in the film of forcing his young son to watch him masturbate and of sexually molesting Stevie's sister, Amanda. On May 5, 1993, according to both Stewart and Guy, Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, and two teenagers from a local trailer park, L. G. Hollingsworth and Buddy Lucas, showed up at his West Memphis home looking to buy some pot, which Stewart provided. Although Byers was a staunch protester against the accused West Memphis Three, he later changed his mind, apologized, and named Terry Wayne Hobbs as the alleged killer. After 18 years in prison the "West Memphis Three" were released on an Alford Plea. … When employees entered the women's rest room they discovered blood smeared on the wall. Others who continue to believe in the guilt of the West Memphis Three point to an interview given to police on May 18, 1993 by Laura Maxwell (another third-hand story, admittedly), in which she was told by a friend that Damien killed the boys after they "saw something they weren't supposed to have seen"--presumably Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley engaged in "devil-worshipping meetings in that park.". Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The boys' clothes and bodies were gathered and dragged to the water, and their bikes thrown into the bayou. You can get your copy Here. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. If this allegation is true--and it certainly rings so--readers can debate whether that decision, which meant the continued incarceration of three almost certainly innocent young men for another sixteen years, or the murders in the Blue Beacon Wood, was the greater tragedy. LINK TO SITE OUTLINING ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE OF HOBBS'S GUILT, Todd Moore, father of victim Michael Moore, prosecutor John Fogleman, most detectives involved in the case, and many others continue to contend that the murders were committed by Jesse Misskelley, Jason Baldwin, and Damien Echols. The West Memphis Child Murders: Part 2. It’s fun! They never returned home for dinner. Testimony of Marty King, restaurant manager, in the Echols/Baldwin Trial, West Memphis Police Department Station Log for the evening of May 5, 1993. A documentary film about the 1993 killings, West of Memphis (a film paid for and produced by well-known director Peter Jackson), suggests (without making a direct accusation) that Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, participated in the murders of the three boys. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Boxful of Nightmares: Terry Hobbs' personal memoirs on the West Memphis Three … In early 2007, Terry Hobbs mtDNA was found similar to that of a hair collected from the bindings of Michael Moore. He has further stated that he and Hobbs played guitars for an hour and then Hobbs left Jacoby's residence by himself between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Jacoby says that Hobbs returned to his residence at 7:00 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. Jacoby further testified, "I was not in Robin Hood Hills Woods searching for Stevie or other missing children alone or with Terry Hobbs on May 5th, 1993 at or near 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m." Jacoby contradicts what Hobbs is telling the officer. So if the West Memphis Three aren't the real killers, who is? Guy stated that he sent a detailed letter to Prosecutor Scott Ellington in February 2012 describing the details of the two confessions, but that Ellington never responded. Black thin warm up pants.] He noted that his son spent a lot of time in the home of Terry Hobbs and could easily have picked up the hair (with DNA matching that of Terry Hobbs) found in his shoelaces on one of those occasions. (According to Stewart, Hobbs was a bisexual with a preference for sex with young boys. No credible law enforcement official believes so." To this mix of circumstantial evidence, the filmmakers add the fact that another of Stevie's aunts, Jo Lynn McAughey, alleges she saw Terry Hobbs doing laundry the night of the murders, presumably to clean the mud off of his clothes after killing the boys in the woods, and the fact that a prized pocket knife owned by Stevie, one he almost always carried with him, was later found among Terry Hobbs's possessions., The Opperman Report: Terry Hobbs~”Boxful of Nightmares”, The three boys were found brutally murdered in a shocking fashion in a wooded area called the Robin Hood Hills. Boxful of Nightmares: Terry Hobbs' personal memoirs on the West Memphis Three … In November of 1994, more than a year after the murders of the three children in West Memphis, Hobbs again experienced trouble with the law. ... Read Terry Hobbs’ story about the West Memphis Three murders. Hobbs returned later and at that time Jacoby went with Hobbs to search for the three boys. 5/6/93 Received call to go to Bo-Jangles + talk to the Manager. Officer Regina Meek arrives on the scene at 8:50 and questioned Marty King, the restaurant's manager, through the drive-through window. The West Memphis 3 have been wrongfully convicted! It was during this likely sexual activity that Chis Byers, Michael Moore, and Stevie Branch appeared on their bikes, at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hobbs, he stated, had invited his own ten-year-old son, "Bill Bil," to pool parties--invitations which Stewart insisted his son decline.). (Mountain Home, Arkansas – January 20, 2012) Terry Hobbs’ nephew, Michael Hobbs Jr., allegedly told his friends “my uncle Terry murdered those three little boys,” according to … Stewart says Lucas told him that Terry Hobbs screamed, "Get them little fuckers!" The West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is an encyclopedia about everything and everyone relating to the Robin Hood Hills child murders of West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. I also guarantee that after printing, there will still be typographical or grammatical errors that I/we missed. While the three, better known as the West Memphis Three, entered an Alford plea and are therefore not innocent in the eyes of the law, DNA evidence suggests someone else is responsible for the 1993 murders of James Michael Moore, Stephen Branch, and Christopher Byers. The next day, Detective Byrn Ridge and Sergeant Mike Allen return to Bojangles to collect blood scrapings from the rest room wall. Memphis News Interview Terry Hobbs. The filmmakers also stress that Terry Hobbs had a long history of abuse, including an admitted assault on his wife and accusations of child beating and assaults on neighbors. Ridge went to Bo-Jangles + talked with the manager, a Marty King [address and phone redacted]. A second hair found on a tree stump near where the bodies were found matched that of David Jacoby, a friend of Terry Hobbs, whom Hobbs visited roughly an hour before the boys disappeared. The West Memphis' Three's team of lawyers recently released new information that points to her father, Terry Hobbs. Book News! The trio, famously known as the “West Memphis Three,” were the subjects of the “Paradise … Unfortunately, the scrapings were never sent to a crime lab to be analyzed and were later reported lost. The manuscript was finalized yesterday! In West Memphis, Hobbs worked as an ice cream delivery man and Hicks worked at a restaurant. While Stewart sold the two boys the pot, he noticed Hobbs and Jacoby kissing in a pick-up truck across the street. The West Memphis Three, Who they really are: as told by Terry Hobbs. After the filing of the Stewart affidavit in 2013, it remains to be seen whether those who have long maintained that the West Memphis Three were guilty as charged will continue to do so. What happened after Stewart sold the pot on May 5 was told to Stewart by Buddy Lucas in April 1995. A documentary film about the 1993 killings, West of Memphis (a film paid for and produced by well-known director Peter Jackson), suggests (without making a direct accusation) that Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, participated in the murders of the three boys. #TerryHobbs #WM3, Five years ago Terry was one of the first guests on The Opperman Report. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. June 13, 2019 June 13, 2019 vicky. Finally, and perhaps most damningly, the filmmakers produced three young men who now claim to have been told by a nephew of Terry Hobbs that the fact that Terry killed the three boys was a closely guarded "family secret." Jackie Jr. survived the shooting, but died years later as a result of co… Ridge took blood scrapings from North Wall inside women's bathroom above toilet, took blood scrapings from inside of door to women's bathroom + Entrance hall to bathroom From Sitting Area at Bojangles. Shockingly, according to Stewart, when he tried to call West Memphis Police investigator Bill Sanders to tell him the story he had heard from Buddy Lucas, Sanders never even bothered to return his phone calls. (Amanda, incidentally, says she cannot recall any sexual abuse by her stepfather.) On May 5, 1993, three second-graders—Steve "Stevie" Branch, Christopher Byers, and Michael Moore—from West Memphis, Arkansas went for a bike ride. The State lacked enough evidence to retry the case. The triple-murder case captured the nation’s attention after the release of the HBO documentary Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills in June 1996. You have no idea how hard it really is to write, proofread, edit, revise, proofread, re-write, scrap, re-write, edit, proofread, revise and proofread. In May 1994, the three defendants appealed their convictions; the convictions were upheld on direct appeal. 5/6/93 9:00 P.M. Det. Details below! The officer leaves the premises about 9:00 without ever setting foot inside the restaurant. the Black male appeared to be mental / + disorientated (Not intoxicated or under influence of drugs) Police were called Subject left out on foot + Walked East toward the back dumpster then [inserted here: Black males clothing was denim sleeveless shirt, Black shoes, look like tennis shoes. Notes regarding May 6 visit to Bojangles by West Memphis Police: AFFIDAVITS OF BILLY WAYNE STEWART AND BENNIE GUY (2/15/2013)(AND RELATED COURT FILINGS), LINK TO JUNE 21, 2007 WEST MEMPHIS POLICE INTERVIEW OF TERRY W. HOBBS. Hollingsworth's confession adds a few new details to that of Buddy's. This is the extended web version of Terry’s interview about his memoirs. Bennie Guy's affidavit tells a similar story. In the Echols/Baldwin murder trial, prosecutor John Fogleman argued that it was "a complete absurdity" to think the criminals who took pains to hide bodies, clothing, and bicycles would, immediately thereafter, go "into a public place all covered in blood." In June 1996, Misskelley's lawyer, Dan Stidham, was preparing an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. And, of course, they believe that much of the evidence produced in the Echols/Baldwin trial was quite probative, including the testimony of two twelve-year old girls who say they heard Damien confess to the murders at a softball park, and blue candle wax found on Chris Byers' shirt that was "consistent" with candle wax found in the bedroom of Echols. Both men admitted to having difficulty recalling the exact sequence of events from a stressful time some 14 years earlier, and their stories were not consistent on details. Terry Hobbs, however, was not without his defenders. Pam Hobbs divorced Terry Hobbs in 2004 and has reversed her position on the West Memphis Three's guilt. Blog at All three were released from prison, including Echols, who spent years on death row. Terry Hobbs then announced the other two boys had to be killed because of what they had seen, and Hobbs and Jacoby proceeded to do just that. Boxful of Nightmares: Terry Hobbs' personal memoirs on the West Memphis Three Murders [Edwards, Vicky, Bowie, Vaughanda, O'Brien, Lisa] on They begin by pointing out that two juries in 1994, after listening to all the evidence, found the three guilty. At 8:40 P.M. on May 5, 1993 the West Memphis Police Department received a call that a bleeding black man had entered the Bojangles restaurant (located near where the three bodies were eventually discovered) about thirty minutes earlier and gone into the women's rest room., Read Terry Hobbs’ story about the West Memphis Three murders. This led to heavier scrutiny by the private detectives hired by the Echols appeal team and brought to light the accusations swirling around him.
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