It is stored as a set of related files and contains one feature class. The files are described in the following table. JavaScript tools and methods designed for JSON data also work with GeoJSON. This video below will explain how to import Shapefiles into QGIS. Spotzi offers a very easy to use Mapping Tool (Spotzi Location) that can handle Shapefiles.You can import Shapefiles you exported from QGIS and you can export Shapefiles from our Location Plan and import them into QGIS. If your organization has a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS, the "Import from Shapefile" tool will allow you to import a shapefile zip containing the following files and extensions: ‘- shapefile.shp ‘- shapefile.shx ‘- shapefile.dbf Uploading a File ID. The application detects what type of information the shapefile contains to import (points, lines or polygons) and presents to the user only those import options that are valid for that type of Entity. 0 or 1. Refer to: Uploading a file to the files endpoint Getting Started The shapefile contains points and is defined on CRS UTM zone 38N. Press ADD DATA and select the shapefile you want to import into Arcgis Pro. For inserting shapefile to postgis, we first need to have one shapefile. create and write to shapefiles in pure javascript. For more on the new "importmap" value for