!help - sends all list of commands to your PMs on Discord if you are too lazy to read this entire Pastebin. Welcome to GAwesomeBot, the best Discord Bot! It’s a highly customizable and powerful bot, which is not just perfectly good at moderation the chats but also brings a ton of fun features to increase user activity on your server.It can kick, ban or award member ranks … Use this command without any arguments to be guided through every option, and type cancel at any point to stop. @Septapus avatar [@username] - Returns a big version of your avatar, or a users avatar if provided. [email protected] [add <@user > ] This menu command allows you to manage your server scoreboard and give server score to users. Keyword If you ever need GAwesomeBot to respond to certain messages, or make custom advanced filters, keyword extensions are your friend. Artwork by Nano and Font Awesome. GAwesomeBot is the absolute Best Discord Bot; a community driven, Open Source, feature packed all-purpose bot!. We’ve assembled a list of some of the more frequently used chat commands to act as a handy reference. RAW Paste Data List of Mee6 commands: !bees - Pastes the first half of the Bee Movie Script !blush - sends the >////< text. GAwesomeBot. The GameStats commands are a little bit new, so it might take some time to get used to them. By typing in '.gs profile' you can create a profile and add a game account by typing in '.gs add uplay'. List of Top Discord Bots 1. Currently, GAwesomeBot is in Beta stage and you can expect some sort of bugs and report it to the developers. Source code under the GPL v2. The best calendar bot for Discord. 3. GAwesome Bot. GAwesomeBot by Gilbert & core developers. Games Games Details: Game-Bot - Discord Bots.Games Games Details: Game-Bot takes in a Steam game's name and returns its link, price, description, and a video.Owner: Cool #0001 Prefix: !game Have you ever wanted to show your friends a game on Steam without having to search for the game and paste it in chat? For help with all commands, I'd suggest going to the wiki here; Want to write that cool extension you always dreamed off? Site made with Bulma and jQuery. This is a highly customizable Discord Bot with extensive features and auto commands features. This command provides a moderator command to get its info and usage examples. edit-item