If your mages never run out of MP, you can keep exp chains going until your party gets bored or has to quit for the day. Instead, the Dragon Fingers that drop now will only have around +9-11 spell damage on them. The additional effect damage is worth the time taken to switch weapons. NOTE: Osode isn't necessarily the end-all of equipment setups; RNG with AF1 can easily outperform Osode wearers, depending on overall setup. New neckwear is available for those who are completists. Even though /WAR has the ability to outdamage /NIN at any Lv from 30-75, the total amount of damage you can do is still limited by the enmity of your party tank. Head down to the Tenshodo shop in Lower Jeuno, where Yin Pocanakhu talks about a toolbox that won't open. If the last 2 situations are true, chances are you're eating sushi. A less difficult piece of gear that will also help half the time is Fenrir's Earring (Lv 70 /). If you miss the first shot of barrage, that's it; all shots miss. It looks bad when people see you shoot barrage for only 100 or so damage simply because you ran out of ammo. The TP return is just as valuable as the damage of the JA, because it allows you to use a weapon skill almost immediately afterward (depending on TP gained and the TP you had before using barrage). For Final Fantasy XI on the PC, Crafting Recipe List by gaidin000. For the first few levels when you're soloing, you are best served by subbing WHM if you can for cure spells to minimize downtime. Just activating sharpshot and barrage will generate a fair amount. Don't get Noct feet; RSE or leaping boots will serve you better. Swap it for something else during the day if you can remember to do so. Decent base dmg, some ranged attack+. As mentioned at the beginning of this guide, haste does not affect ranged attacks. Of course, AF1+1 (Lv 74, /) body also replaces AF1, and will also perform better than Pahluwan body on ranged attacks if you can get it, but Pahluwan body's ACC+10 will help your melee swings a fair amount when combined with Optical hat. There are crossbows also available with bolts for decent damage as well, and will serve to increase your marksmanship skill if you couldn't build it before unlocking the job. Another set of race-specific gear is available at Lv 62. Longbows are the way to go, as ammunition is cheap but provides good damage. By Area; By Type. From BG FFXI Wiki. Ranged Accuracy +10 The STR+4, RACC+ and Enmity- are a very beneficial combination for RNG. Drachen Finger Gauntlets . Using barrage does several things. There are not many early weapons or armor that help a great deal. FFXI Data As of the 19 February 2015 update. Third Eye is unavailable while under amnesia, but Utsusemi is unusable while silenced. This front-loading of job abilities is what RNG are known for, and we get asked to do it against lots of enemies in mission fights, etc. Sleep Bolts (Lv 30), Bloody bolts (Lv 25), and Acid bolts (Lv 15) are also pretty reliable, with a high chance of activating. This weapon skill is inherently very inaccurate, but updates over the last 2 years in food and gear have made this a weapon skill that can be spammed. Description: DEF:15 HP+8 +10 +10 Breath damage taken -4% Image: Type: Armor Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Inscribable, Equippable Stack size: 1 It won't give you any RACC+, and a very minimal by-product of RATK+. If you can get one, Shikaree Aketon (Lv 50, /) is an excellent piece to replace Noct body until at least Hunter's Jerkin (Lv 58, /). Rangers have 0 staff skill without sub job, so any melee hits you get will likely miss or do 0 dmg; effectively removing that option for additional TP gain. Depending on your own setup, you may prefer to try for some RATK+ elsewhere and stick to pure RACC+ in main or sub. This weapon skill does dmg and has an additional effect of lowering a target's INT. The number of shots fired increases with level. If you go with the RATK/STR+ and sushi route, wear this hat through Lv 75, or until you can get AF1 +1 (Lv 74, /). ~Wolf Shadow123). /DRK might be a viable sub from 20-30 as well, since the attack bonus is better than what most subjob passive traits will give you. One final body option that provides a bonus to ranged attack is the Denali Jacket (Lv 75, /) obtainable on floor 80 of Nyzul Isle. Shipping time is normally between 2 to 6 months. If you can't get one or don't want to spend the time, scale armor will provide a bit of defense in the spot you can't get any other bonuses. If you have CP to spend, you can replace Nomad's mantle with Royal Army Mantle (Lv 55, /) or Federal Army Mantle (Lv 55, /), but you'll probably be better off saving your conquest points for Patriarch Protector's Arrow or Gold Musketeer's Bolt. Horn rings +1 (Lv 35) will do well for a while. Early on, most enemies will link only when they see another enemy like them running after you. Ranged weapons overall have a TP gain penalty as it is, considering their delay (the delay/TP return for standard melee weapons is about 25% more than ranged). Description: DEF:16 HP+10 +12 +12 Breath damage taken -5% Image: Type: Armor Flags: Inscribable, Equippable Stack size: 1 Armor Information Races: All Races Equip. Bone rings+1 are your first real chance to get some ranged accuracy, and do well at Lv 16 to provide that. Cursed Leggings 94 ?? This gives STR+4(STR+5), RATK+10(No bonus RATK with HQ). From here on out, if you go with RATK/STR+ in gear, use Sole Sushi. But /WAR is also not party friendly. Vegetable Broth/Soup will give RACC+5 or RACC+6, and some AGI. I’ve played both the tank and damage dealer (DD) sides of this hate threshold, and tanks in exp get increasingly annoyed at DD who know what the hate limit is, and purposely cross it anyway. Nothing is more embarassing than failing to return to camp because a target has killed you on a pull; especially if the party knows your target didn't link with anything. Whichever weapon type you choose (Marksmanship or Archery), spend all your merits in that combat skill first, and don't stop spending merit points on that skill until it hits Lv 8. Some targets won't process defense down very often, and some are near impossible to get it to stick on. By definition, these are also the times you don't want to be "testing" the hate threshold by hoping the reduced enmity allows you to get off a Barrage or weaponskill. These come as a Pair, we do not sell them separately. Depending on the melee in your party, it can still be more beneficial at this point to keep skillchaining. RACC+10 & AGI+1 is huge. On top of that, you'll have access to Utsusemi as /NIN at Lv 24, though targets you pull before Lv 33 don't really hit all that hard. When exp parties are fighting lower level targets (Tough-Very Tough), you can sometimes swap out some ranged accuracy in favor of ranged attack and still hit consistently enough to benefit from eating meat. Finger gauntlets provided greater articulation than standard Gauntlets . Sharpshot (5 minute recast, lasts 1 minute, Lv 1). Can be Custom sized to your measurements. Quests Missions Mini-Quests: Mobs NM Guide: ... Dragon Finger Gauntlets, Revival Tree Root, Dragon Blood: HQ1: Cursed Finger Gauntlets -1: Hermes Quencher: 93: Water: Synth: Dried Mugwort, Honey, Flytrap Leaf, Jacknife, Movalpolos Water: Additional effect bolts/arrows are not like most melee weapons with added effects. On top of that, they run quite a bit faster than you do. The benefit to ranged delay seems to be very similar, at what's assumed to be the cost of standard melee slow %+. Fortunately, targets are usually either dead or very close to it after all this is put on them. If you need the RACC+ given by the AGI bonus of Kote for your normal shots, there's no reason to swap to Crimson for weapon skills; this will make your weapon skills less accurate. A recent update added this ability to seemingly close the gap between rangers and the standard melee jobs in damage output. Testing so far leads us to believe that damage is completely ignorant of the ranged weapon and ammunition you're using. The effect can be dispelled. Standard melee weapons will not be covered in this guide unless they affect ranged attacks, as the vast majority of your damage will be from ranged attacks and weapon skills. Advanced Jobs. Weapon skills can be used instantly almost anytime, despite weapon delay. Like short bows, they also have shorter delay. /) is basically AF1 with some AGI+ as an added bonus. Armour Measurements ... Every ranger who is Lv 75 should have Crimson Finger Gauntlets (Lv 73, /) and/or Seiryu's Kote (Lv 75, /). Rangers have access to such a limited amount of magic attack and magic accuracy enhancement in equipment, that this ability cannot be depended on for damage. Other foods provide static amounts of RACC+ that are either equal to or greater than what sushi will give, and should be considered first. The high base dmg of guns maximizes the use of this stacking of abilities, and even the higher delay of guns is an advantage, because the TP return of barrage is increased by the weapon delay. They are not necessarily required endgame weapon skills like Asuran Fists, Tachi: Kasha, or Steel Cyclone. /WAR has the ability to push the hate threshold (the amt of dmg you can do before pulling hate) much faster, but also can't handle the hits taken once the target turns. It is crafted. 68 DRG View the entire Dragon Mail Set. God fights in sky, Jailers in sea are where this will get used, if at all. They also have abilities that can drain HP -and you don't have much- so avoid undead when choosing exp targets. Other jobs have theirs; Samurai with meditate, Dark knights with soul eater, Thieves with trick attack. Most of the time, many of these types of questions can be ignored. Finger gauntlets provided greater … Added in Classic World of Warcraft. AF2 body has an enhancement to Rapid Shot, but for most setups it would be difficult to determine if the racc+10 you'd get from AF1 or the STR+ and AGI+ from Osode would be more beneficial without a parser. If you change ammunition and the game automatically un-equips your ranged weapon because of it, you will still keep TP. It generally gets very difficult to load up on multiple stats with gear and food, and there isn't any overall gain to loading up on INT instead of RACC, RATK, STR, or AGI. Does the fight require spike damage? Another available option is Trailer's Kukri (Lv 61). The enmity-1 isn't going to make a massive difference, but the subtle blow+, RATK+, RACC+ combined with it make a very solid addition to almost any setup. More; Languages; Page actions. This weapon skill can open distortion, open/close Reverberation, and close Fragmentation. For all races, RSE feet (Lv 29) can replace leaping boots, because RSE will give either the same AGI+3, or a more beneficial STR+, along with HP+ in some cases. Scout's Belt (Lv 70, /) is the best belt you'll find anyplace, with the RACC+, RATK+, and AGI+ combination. It's more likely, however, not to be based on any character statistic, and is just a set % chance of kicking in, like double attack. This blue mail armor of item level 56 goes in the "Hands" slot. Get Noct+1 body, head (those with no Emperor hairpin), legs, and hands. The RACC+, HP+, and slight bonus to critical hit rate make this marginally better than AF1. Dragon Affinity; View the entire Crimson Scale Mail Set. They have high base dmg, and most longbows give a fair amount of ranged attack+ and/or ranged accuracy+. The single biggest factor in how much damage ranged weapon skills do is your weapon & ammo base dmg, and after that, it is Ranged Attack (RATK).
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