Could this be from a bit too much lemon ess. I can’t seem to find it in my area, but I do want to try it for this recipe. Comments say your work. Me, too!! Order is important here, so make sure it is the lye you’re pouring into the water. If you want to speed up this process put it in the fridge. Also what is your tallow soap recipe. It is not the same as baking soda. Stir in the garam masala, turmeric, and cayenne and cook another minute. Will it kill the bacteria left behind from raw meats? I too have tried another recipe which yielded a ton of dish soap but it separates and it is clumpy/glumpy (is that even a word?) YAY! Some are nourishing, some are extra cleansing, some make the bar harder. These items can be time-consuming compared to […], […] one cup each of white vinegar and baking soda, plus a tablespoon of homemade dish soap into 2 gallons of hot water. The dish soap needed to clean effectively (duh) and be able to cut grease. Try adding 1/4-1/2 cup of warm water and giving it a brisk shake. However–did you know that suds are merely an illusion? It also contains natural ingredients that make it gentle—Himalayan pink sea salt and aloe vera. I can’t wait to try this! I ended up with a thick gelatinous layer of white, concentrated soda and such (?) Step 5: Add lye to crockpot (being careful not to splash) and stir a few times. So almost a whole bottle of expensive Dr. Bronner’s wasted from that recipe from a DIY blogger. Note: According to Anne Watson, author of Smart Soapmaking, you can use your regular kitchen utensils as long as you follow these guidelines. Blessings! Haven’t used it for years but it was always known at “pure soap”, hope that over the years the manufactures haven’t added too many chemicals. There is also a coconut oil that has a melting point of 92 degrees and another that is “fractionated,” meaning that the long chain triglycerides have been removed, leaving only saturated fats. I would love to try your recipe- I just need the glycerin! Re-heat the mixture and trying adding in a bit more washing soda or a tablespoon more of soap flakes. If you test with the castile bar soap please update with results/variations. Fortunately, there’s a way to simplify things without skimping on the end product – it’s called “superfatting.” Basically, you add the equivalent of “one quarter moisturizing cream” like big brands do, only you leave out the toxic slew of chemicals that usually go with it. Technically, you can actually wash your face with oil using this method, but it’s a totally different approach. If you have octagon soap in your area, give it a try. If you don’t see it, ask a sales clerk for help. 😉. In other words….. 1/8 cup washing soda and 1/8 cup baking soda? Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. This recipe has zero effect on cutting grease. I'm Heather, aka The Mommypotamus. I’m not sure about using body-type bar soaps yet– as I know some of them contain different sorts of ingredients that your typical “washing-type” of soaps. I was getting all excited thinking this could be used in the dishwasher! Mix the water, grated soap, and washing soda in a small saucepan over medium heat. PERFECTION!!! Can this be safely stored in a re-purposed plastic squeeze bottle as mentioned above? Is the glycerine necessary? It foams!!!! I don’t have vegetable glycerin, so I used another recipe- grated soap and mixed with jot water, added a bit if vinegar. 0-suds, which I have no issue with, but this thick sticky film is brutal. Stir until the mixture is hot and all the ingredients are dissolved. Normally it is not advised to make soap with under 4% superfat due to the fact that it can be excessively drying and even burn skin if some of the lye remains unconverted, but for laundry soap it’s perfect! I have not tested this recipe with either the 92 degree or fractionated oils, but it works well with the 76 degree type. Look for FCF or distilled on the label, then you wont have this issue. I can’t wait to try them on tonight’s supper dishes. 1. I made this soap with castile bar soap (grated) but it did turn out very clumpy, like a cloudy gelatin clump. And potamus... obviously. I do this when making homemade laundry ‘mayonaisse”. I”m thinking it’s my bar soap. I can never get it thicker than basically water viscosity. Cut as soon as it’s cool and firm. The dish soap needed to be the right consistency. Since I only use it for dish soap and laundry detergent, which always need to be grated, I make two full batches. There you go. Mine usually takes 45 minutes – 1 hour but the cooking time will vary depending on how hot your crock pot is. I set it in a pot of water and wait until everything is dissolved. I’ve read this is more caustic than baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Step 1: Weigh your ingredients and set your crockpot to low. One of the most common questions I get about soapmaking is how to make it without lye. Step 6: Using the stick blender begin mixing toward “trace.” You’ll know trace is achieved when the mixture has the texture and thickness of a light pudding. I try to do things naturally. The vinegar desaponifies the soap, making it so it won’t cut grease :-/ for future reference. I can buy lard at the store here. Looking for the shampoo bar recipe I mention in the video? She is a vet and is constantly washing her hands. Since I’m washing my clothes to get oil OUT rather than put it IN, this totally works for me. I suspect that folks will have to make some slight adjustments, depending on exactly what bar soap they use, but hopefully the recipe will still work for the most part. When I use that up, I’ll try this one of yours, thanks! However, I do think it’d be worth a try! Actually, every time I added an acid to this recipe (even tho it doesn’t contain castile soap) I ended up with trouble… so I just left out any sort of lemon juice/citric acid/vinegar. […], […] how to make homemade cleaners, such as dishwashing detergent, dishwasher detergent, all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner and oven cleaner. It has very small clumps in it. An environmentally friendly brand, Puracy uses plant-based ingredients derived from coconut oil to clean dishes. I don’t know but it does not work well. I am into herbs and essential oil (when I can afford them) in order to be health and avoid medical bills which I cannot afford. If you’re lucky enough to not get badly sunburned, your hands will get brown splotches on them. Please help:). Hint, watch for when they run a free shipping sale (usually once a month). It is the soap makers responsibility to research safety procedures for soap making. We had the thin-as-water variety, the gloppy variety, the so-thick-you-have-to-dig-it-out-of-the-jar-with-a-knife variety, and my favorite– the ones that separated completely and ended up with big, gelatinous clouds floating on top…. But I know for a fact it is working for me. For mixing things up instead of shaking, use a quart small mouth canning jar. Heather Dessinger 881 Comments This post contains affiliate links. I do my best to cut down on household chemicals, but I just can’t give up my dishwasher detergent. (The standard superfat for most homemade soaps is considered to be 5%, whereas for a 100% coconut oil soap you’d want to increase the amount to … You can also make your own dish soap with very few ingredients. Thanks a bunch for the post! used Kirk’s castile for the bar soap!! I was very impressed, thank you! Make sure that your thermometer is not touching the bottom of the pot when taking your reading. The last batch I made a week ago I made with water with a pH if about 11. Palmolive used to make dish detergent sheets. of soap. A few tablespoons should take you no time to make! Step 7: Cover and let cook on low. also looks like the recipe could be used to make bubble bath for the little girls in my house! Maybe that’s my problem!? This recipe is almost all coconut oil, which is very cleansing but drying. Thank you so much! Here are a few of my favorite combinations: Essential Oils & homesteading go together like peanut butter & jelly. I hope to get a recipe up soon–just making sure it’s “perfect” first. It’s been rinsing very clean for me. Sesame oil: Derived from whole sesame seeds, sesame oil and toasted sesame oil can be used in cooking and as a dressing on salads. oil. We’ll see how it works. I have already made your laundry detergent recipe and I’m hooked. Thanks! Works fantastico! I'm on a mission to help you put delicious, healthy meals on the table, find effective natural remedies for common complaints, make your own fuss-free personal care and home products, and save time and money in the process. Definite success=), Whoo hoo! 1. To make goat milk soap, start by pouring water into a heatproof container, followed by sodium hydroxide. It will thicken during this time. The best part? You surely have good ideas. Then one I tried actually took the paint off of my pyrex measuring cup, but left the nasty white film. I make a laundry soap that’s 100% coconut oil and a lot harder and only 2% superfatted. I’ve been thinking about this ever since your “teaser” yesterday. I’ll walk you through the method, and then you can scroll down this post for the exact recipe and written instructions to check as you go. 🙂, This is my second attempt at making this.. One silly question, after pouring in the jar to set do you cover with a lid or leave in uncovered? We have our own chickens and a few horses. I often wash my hands with the dish soap sitting by the sink. Now that we’ve cleared that up, are you ready to get started? Once again thanks for the post. We have now used our entire batch and have more sitting tonight, ready to use tomorrow. Does a great job on grease. Do you have a book with all your recipes in it? 2. The dish soap needed to be the right consistency. Step 4: Place coconut oil in your crockpot and set to low. I used Kirk’s Castile Soap, and my first batch was just like water. I’m sorry if that’s a stupid question, I’m just not sure it’s working since it’s not sudsing up. Will use those again. Step 2: Add water to a medium-sized glass or ceramic bowl and take it outside along with the lye and long-handled spoon. For the batch using the softer bar soap, I had to increase the soap flakes to 3 tablespoons and the washing soda to 1/2 teaspoon. I’ll show you how to make vintage labels, luxurious lotion bars, lip balms, sugar scrubs, body sprays and more like a pro. I made some liquid soap last night and it was thick this morning. Add the ginger, garlic, and sweet potatoes and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes. I make hot process soap in the crockpot, and have a small container of “crumbles” and I bet this would be a great way to use them up! Learn how your comment data is processed. Or, as Marie of Humblebee & Me put it, making soap without lye “is like trying to make a baking soda and vinegar volcano without the vinegar. Like everything else in this life, it doesn’t work for everyone but it has helped me. First, dip a PH test strip and wait several minutes for it to fully change color. NOTE: My favorite […], […] How to Make Homemade Liquid Dish Soap by The Prairie Homestead […], […] and most of them are very easy and affordable. the result is water and clumps of what feels like stick deodorant-rather graesy, waxy– like the buildup on the out side of the deodorant container!! I am willing to try anything to get back to where I was before. I added water and I’m letting it sit. I see your add for people to join your company. We use the dishwasher for most of our dishes, but if I forget to run […], […] or hand soap. Thank you! Here’s the full scoop on making your own laundry detergent using just the laundry soap recipe below and one other ingredient. When I had a dishwasher, I used 1/4 cup total of washing soda and baking soda, and my dishes always came out streak free and clean. By adding 20% more coconut oil than the lye can convert to soap, you end up with a luxurious body bar. If it rises up the sides and seems like it might overflow just give it a quick stir and it will reduce in volume. I do hope you have a moment to answer a question. Whenever I’m washing anything including the stove and counters, I just rub a wet cloth over the soap and use it this way. Hi Essie, you said you use 1/4 cup total of washing soda and baking soda. It hasn’t seemed hard on my hands at all (I don’t use gloves). Has anyone tried this with lard soap instead? Click here to read the whole article.). This is my first home made cleaning product trial, so getting used to no suds is taking some time! When it comes to soap, this is probably the easiest recipe you’ll ever make. You can make washing soda by heating baking soda in the oven at 400F for an hour on a shallow baking sheet. I read about the lady with eczema, we have made some Balm of Gilead that has helped a friend of ours. Can’t wait to try your version. I think I finally ended up with close to 2 tsp of washing soda, but it did set up. I am looking forward to trying this. Step 8: When the soap is ready it should look a little like semi-translucent vaseline with no oil puddles in the middle. I will have to try it! (I skipped this, so no photo! Any suggestions? […], […] Dish-washing Liquid via The Prairie Homestead […], […] one cup each of white vinegar and baking soda, plus a tablespoon of homemade dish soap into 2 gallons of hot water. How did yours turn out using the other recipe? Although I think you should use distilled water to cut down on the mold issue. You can even make your own dish soap for just […]. Yep, only three. Thanks My Lady does all this stuff not this yet but thanks alot for the research, must get onto the pocket book abit. Someone someday will figure it out, I’m sure! I have not gone that far, but that may be a great option for the future 🙂 This is a great website! Also a soap making tutorial would be great if you have the time! The stuff I buy has a melting point of 76 degrees. Also the other recipes were a flop so I am not even sure if they really were cleaning. ), wash your face with oil using this method, 5 Myths That Have Kept You From Making Your Own Soap (But Shouldn't! Of course, this doesn’t work with most vegetable oils which go rancid easily – coconut oil’s high shelf stability is what makes it a good choice here. I hope it works for you too! In the spring pick black poplar buds and cover them with olive oil. But, P&G radically altered the formula, adding coloring and obnoxious scent. ), but just one more step. Of course I found out later that vinegar de-saponifies the soap. How much liquid soap do you use to how much water? Tried again without the vinegar and it hardened so much that it was almost like a rock in the jar. It didn’t cut the grease well, so I’m gonna try this recipe next! I kept thinking somebody else would run into this problem- but so far just me. 😉. It’s okay, but yeah, kinda runny. Here’s a comment Hillary left after making laundry detergent with the coconut oil soap below: “I washed a couple loads of laundry today- and it worked so well! I have animal glycerine not veg. I have tried 2 other recipes in the past and I just can’t get past the no-suds, my brain thinks that it doesn’t clean….LOL. Is it too late to reheat and add more washing soda to it? 🙂. I want to make some liquid dish detergent. Do you have your recipe for tallow soap up? How do you keep the soap from molding? You know, in case one had all the other ingredients and was impatient and super excited about this. I made this with castile bar soap last night, I LOVE IT!! I found a recipe and it called for any bar soap and I tried to use our Fels Naptha bar soap and it left soap scum all over my dishes which I couldn’t deal with. They may be keeping it behind the counter because it has multiple uses. Store bought dish soap is shockingly expensive and always comes in big plastic containers. Follow by cleaning with soap. My liquid dish soap needed to be as frugal as possible–the fewer the ingredients, the better. The soap turned out great. It’s very simple. Glad you are enjoying the soap! Combining traditional wisdom and modern research for smart, naturally-minded mamas. I’ve found that using a 1% superfatted recipe yields a very cleansing bar with no extra oil. If you want to soak them, swish the soap in the dish water until it’s soapy enough. Is there anyway to emulsify or have a bit of de-greaser in it, Perhaps thats what the suds do for us? Lavender helps relax little ones after a long day. Soap is a salt of a fatty acid used in a variety of cleansing and lubricating products. I just try a recipe that was 4c water, 1/2 a bar of grated castile, 1/2 tbs veggie glycerin, and 20 drops of tea tree ess. (I repurposed an empty dish soap bottle). You may even have to go as far as 4 tablespoons of soap flakes and 1 teaspoon of washing soda. I like to throw it in after I’ve baked something else at 400, like pizza, so I’m not heating the oven just for this. Lye is a naturally occurring substance that can be made by burning hardwoods and boiling the ashes, but it’s much easier to just buy. But that’s the only thing that’s nice about it–terrible scum on dishes and around the sink. I am going to try it. Let it transition from cloudy to clear, then bring it inside. I have cats and I understand citrus oil is toxic to them. I haven’t yet tried it with Castile soap, so I can’t say for sure. I have young kids so I want to be sure that I’m keeping them safe. Does this soap rinse clean also? Thank you!!!! My dishes are sparkling clean! ... Dampen your brushes and dip in a 2:1 mixture of antibacterial dish soap and coconut oil. It cleans, I all honesty, I am not happy with it so I am willing to try one that will work and look more like what we are used to using. No clumps, chunks or whatever. Step 11: Unlike other bars which need to harden for 24 hours before being cut, coconut oil makes a very hard bar that will be difficult to cut if you let it dry too long. Any one try it, yet? After my first few … I have made laundry soap, deodorant, lip gloss and going to do dish soap today Thanks. I was wondering if this would work with octagon soap. *sigh* Oh well! I heated it initially, let it cool down overnight, heated again the next day and added more washing soda and a little more shredded soap. Add 3 cups water. I use my salad shooter to grate the soap. It is also perfect for both deep and shallow frying. This isn’t DIY, but Tropical Traditions has a dishwasher soap that works very well and lasts me four or more months (doing dishes for a family of five). Thank you! I hate to waste- so I’m using it, but it takes so much to get anything clean. Since adding the washing soda the film has decreased to an acceptable level. The dish soap needed to clean effectively (duh) and be able to cut grease. Maybe someday I will try this one, though I avoid handwashing dishes like the plague! We bought a large bag of b.soda from Costco, spread a cup or so on a large cookie sheet, and baked it at 475F for 45 minutes. I have several on hand and it would give me a use for them. Jill, I love your posts and have tried several recipes lately that my family loved! I’ll try that!! I might mix it again and try and get the little lumps out. Strain it. It’s better off to not use citrus oils in homemade soap, unless you only wash dishes before bedtime. Glad you found me. © 2021 Mommypotamus  •  All Rights Reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs, five myths that have kept you from making soap (but shouldn’t! After my first few tries, this became of the utmost importance to me. That’s what I like to hear! 🙂, I made this and it just got glumpier every day~ bummer. Thanks for the recipe! Simple ingredients? I tried to search for it but couldn’t find it. We don’t have a complete DIY dishwasher soap, but we do mix Cascade with washing soda, half and half. ** You can often find pure lye with no additional plumbing/drain additives in the drain cleaner section of a mom n’ pop hardware store. You should try it! I like to add it for it’s skin-softening properties, and I think it just adds an extra punch to the recipe. Season generously with salt. ), Remove the mixture from the heat, and mix in the vegetable glycerin and essential oils. The only question I have is, is this soap anti-bacterial? She agreed, and that afternoon in her kitchen was what helped me become comfortable with the process. I’m starting to think it can’t be done. I still get a cloudy look to my glasses, how can I get rid of this? I have loved this website. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 🙂 I tried several, but our water is as hard as nails and NOTHING, not even plastics would come out looking nice. And the glycerin should help your hands too. I’m a wife, mom, real food lover, research geek, and amateur homesteader.  And I’ll probably try The Prairie Homestead’s recipe. Rinsed clean (just like dishes) and NO SOAP SCUM to have to clean out of the shower every week. Give it a shake, and enjoy doing those dishes with your very own homemade liquid dish soap! We made this dish soap about a month ago. 😉 We are having lasagna. Mandarin, Tangerine, Sweet Orange and Lemongrass oils are NOT phototoxic, although they do oxidize quickly which can lead to skin sensitization when using old oils. I just want to clarify…. Another suggestion. The mixture will get very hot so be careful! You can even make your own laundry detergent. But you can omit it. I was looking for a good homemade dish soap. But bar dish soap takes up hardly any room, is packaging free, and works just as well. What makes a good baby soap recipe? I’m not a chemist so I’ll wait for a smarter soul to come along and save the day! My homemade tallow soap is quite hard. Thanks. I think I understand you correctly, but am trying to make sure I got it right. Glad your trials and errors finally found a winning recipe! 🙂. 🙂. I used your exact measurements, minus the essential oils and it came out very well! You experiment, and like you with this recipe, you don’t give up. However, I also am not dealing with eczema, so it’s hard to say for sure. Not sure what to try different other than maybe go with already liquid castile soap. Perfect consistency, great smell. Coconut oil soap also offers no skin conditioning properties unless you use an incredibly high superfat. the only thing i can think of is i’m using too much, but then i’m a “if little’s good, mo’ is bedda’ ” kinda gal!! Carol, Hello- I made this last week and it seems a little thin. What made people think liquid soap was necessary? Looking forward to trying this; I like the ingredient list . Bummer! A few other comments have stated the same issue. 🙂. I have a bunch of these bars for laundry soap. Pour into small jars and let it set. : )”. I guess I was trying to avoid the recipes that called for grating the soap, as that’s such a chore, LOL. when i fill the sink, i get minimal sudsing that immediately deflates leaving burst bubble scum that immediatley clings to anything that touches the surface and since one has to bring the dishes to the surface to rinse them, scum gets on everything!! Hmmmm… you know, I’ve never thought about using it for that. Awesome! For a light, bubbly effect I recommend lathering with a natural sponge like this one. Is it necessary to use a citrus oil? I think it adds to the nice consistency, but you can omit it. For your fan with eczema on her small hands: Get the small size gloves used in doctors’ offices. I think the detergent cleaned it better than our natural detergent we were buying from Costco! I tried this recipe using Fels Naptha since I also had it on hand for my laundry detergent and the homemade dish soap is leaving heavy film on my dishes. Check on it often. I had searched and searched for a way to make homemade dish soap since money is tight and it has been a challenge. A gentle baby soap recipe using nourishing oils and shea butter. I plan on making some dish washer tabs and now I get to try liquid dish soap. I think Dr. Bronner’s would be a safe bet. Do you think using a dove soap bar would work for that? I am surprised that the blender blade unit screws right on the canning jar! Mop your floors with this mix to keep them clean and […], […] What I’m going to do differently next time: I’ll use more shredded soap and washing soda to see if this will help thicken up the end product. Thanks! the liquid is pretty though, rather pearlized like IVORY dish detergent!! *Important Note* Keep in mind that your results may vary a bit depending on the type of bar soap you use. Please let us know if it works for you too! I know castile soap can tend to be more finicky, though. It should be a good test for the soap. MORE ABOUT HEATHER   |   WHAT IS A MOMMYPOTAMUS? One of my secrets to smooth laundry and dish soap is a handheld stick blender, makes it perfect every time. I kept adding more washing soda in small increments, but the results were the same. I have tried other homemade dish soaps and was always disappointed. Love this recipe and will be using over and over again. I’ve tried a disastrous recipe that was terrible consistency & left a residue on the dishes. Instead of cleaning agents that come from petrochemicals, 7 their detergents are made from coconut and palm oil (sustainable palm oil, ... By the way, dish soap … And works great for taking care of dry crusty dishes. It has a distinctive nutty taste which makes it great for use with stir fries. Instant mixing and it’s in a jar for storage! Too thin? Next, melt coconut oil and shea butter over low heat before adding olive oil and castor oil. It is becoming a lost art I guess but if you are interested we have a bunch of cool recipes for homemade soaps at and if you go to the home page we have lots and lots of other informational goodies that we share. Note: Because this soap is highly superfatted it can create a very dense lather when rubbed directly on skin.
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