Be a part of something that cares about who you are. My first experience was a nightmare from hell. They gave me back my clothes, minus belts and strings obviously, and assigned me a room. They rarely take people to court in my experience. It was a behavioral health unit in a public hospital, and I was there because my therapist thought it might be a good idea. I've had weeks/weekends/overnighters in about 4 different ones now and have had both good, bad and strange. If you’re admitting voluntarily, try to research the hospital beforehand and choose a good one. I feel that now is the right time to share my story and experiences, to help reduce the stigma attached to mental illness. Food sucked, but visitors were allowed to bring stuff in, unlike the other hospital. Usually weekends there's like no groups. The experience of dissociation. I was held involuntarily twice. There were morning discussions and loads of activities. Good distraction. I barely got out of that place by the skin of my teeth. They're hypersexual and prone to fits of rage. The mental health system is terrible. If you’re losing grip on reality, I suggest it. A doctor came in and asked me why I was there, and a short while later a nurse asked me if she should bring the voluntary or the involuntary paperwork, and that's when I knew shit just got real. I went to a different, private hospital and the staff was nice, the other patients were for the most part friendly. No psych ER, you just called Admissions to explain why you needed to come in and they gave you an appointment time to come in. But the good news is that bipolar disorder is treatable. Αγίας Λαύρας 9, Αιγάλεω, 12244. Sure, I'm game. I tried to backpedal and say I only get depressed and it hasn’t effected me in a long time (both false). And doped the fug out. I had been depressed for about a year and was in one hell of a spiral at that point. Just a cold room with bright fluorescent lights. I've been twice. My Story with Bipolar Disorder . there were so many doctors and therapists willing to listen and make sure i was comfortable and well fed and if the meds were working! Art therapy was nice, as was yoga. Wasnt bad. People are good, staff is good, food is alright, BORING AS HELL, but you're not there for fun. There were fights it was unsanitary, a famous football player was eating his own shit. The best place I was in, it was like a good backpackers/hostel but with individual rooms and about 12 other people. Bipolar disorder is marked by extreme shifts in mood. Anyway. It can be boring, so bring books etc. Smoking is a big deal at this particular psych unit in PA and supposedly its like the only one left that still lets you smoke. A safe haven for bipolar related issues. This is nothing to be proud of smh.. Every time you get admitted chances are you run into somebody you have met before. I spent 8 days there, and I was so relieved to get out. The problem is certain units are worse than the others and when half the unit is delusional and manic, people tend to feed off each others delusions. Bipolar Disorders. I got lucky. I'm supposed to dispense the medication not take it myself. No personal insults or searching through post histories to critique people or opinions. Quite embarrassing. They have less beds so they actually WANT you out asap. I also got hypothermia from an AP called novaine and I literally thought I was going to die. Adult wards are fine, food usually sucks, people are nice or asocial, there’s groups during the day but everything is voluntary, most places don’t allow electronics, you spend a lot of time playing cards or coloring, and every door is locked. if your looking for something short term, go to a hospital with a psych ward. Every morning and evening there was a community meeting where you set a goal and then reported whether you met that goal for the day, and addressed housekeeping/rules for any new admits. Basically, it sucks but it's not that bad. I was there for 18 hours, instead of the 72. Meaning the doctors have three business days to either let you out or take you to court to petition for an involuntary hospitalization up to six months. I was a total jerk and I feel bad. I've been IP 5 or 6 times, can't remember. On the first day (Friday) I had two group therapy sessions, art therapy, and a medication group education session. The staff were much nicer and there was a LOT more things to do, but it wasn't too different. That's it. I still flip out but all my dx... depression, PTSD, ADD, anxiety and bipolar disorder (mixed) are much less severe than prior to admission/med changes. I spent most of my time coloring or reading a book. The first time life was shitty and I was basically done living. I couldn't see anything, but I could clearly hear them out in the hall. It’s not bad, and you stay safe. Tiffany, who claimed to know me and my entire family and convince me she was Marry. More so if you're manic I guess. Toggle navigation They wouldn't tell me shit about nothing when it came to discharge plans until they wrote the orders, which I hated. There's a sort of nostalgia to it. I met this girl who became obsessed with me and I met with her after we got out and had wild sex for like 5 days and then she led me back to a different psych ward. Not even if fam comes vouching for my release again. Bipolar disorder: blogs and personal stories The following blog posts are written by people with personal experience of bipolar disorder . Usually they wake you up mad early for no reason. In between these two extremes, a person will have periods of normal mood. I also met with a social worker and a student psychiatrist for a one-on-one session, which was optional but I was lonely. They didn’t do anything aside from keep me safe, but I needed it and it wasn’t as scary as I thought. I called the police on myself cause I was acting hysterical. Still no cell phones, but they had two patient phones. If there is its completely out of pocket and very few exist. And in reality its never a good idea. I was locked up with detoxing homeless heroin addicts who joked(?) Oh yeah. To this day, I don't know if she survived. My last psych ward visit was a Legal 2000 Hold. It all was jump-started during finals week of my second to last quarter of college. They put me on meds that gave me extreme tardive dyskinesia, so bad I couldn't even walk. I felt better after 6 days, but they wanted to keep me an extra two just to make sure I was really okay before I was discharged, and I agreed to that. Emma, 20, has bipolar II, so she experiences hypomania, “which means my manic episodes are not too high of highs,” she tells SELF. Second time I wasn’t going to go voluntarily. “I was fiery and ferocious, capable of lighting up a room or just as easily burning it down.” —Julie Kraft. it was terrifying and confusing but i realized i needed it for my safety and most likely the safety of others. It was mostly just boring as all fuck. Since the “highs” are not a full manic episode it is also referred to as “soft bipolar”, though this term is a little misleading. to help pass the time. Bipolar mania can be a scary thing to experience. I was convinced that riots were occurring, I was terrified that my apartment was being ransacked and my family and friends were in danger. They gave me breakfast and lunch but I didn't eat it. I've been admitted 3x to the same facility. It was during the election of 2016, and found out Trump won while in the psych ward. First time, voluntarily. How bipolar episodes cycle and present for an individual depends “on all kinds of things,” Dr. Galynker says. Usually for 1 to 2 weeks. I was only 12 or 13 and I felt like I was in prison. They had housekeeping rules, like you couldn't hold onto your own toiletries (they were kept at the nurses station) and you had to make your bed. I was able to call a family member to come convince the doc to let me go, it worked. Last year I ran into clients of mine as I was a worker in mental health group home. No two people experience bipolar disorder in the exact same way. We are a community here not just a help page. The Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation invites those affected by Bipolar Disorder and their families to share their stories. DRASTICALLY. Didn't feel like eating, I did eventually eat a cookie and drank a cranberry juice box. Bipolar stories are invariably gut-wrenching litanies of loss and regret. When I learned about the state hospital, shit just got more real... Fortunately! It just made me worse. First thing I did when released was hog a water fountain for 3 minutes. that they were going to shank me. I told her it takes a while to get a doctor to accept you. I have been inpatient 20 times. People with bipolar I can experience a … I admitted myself through the ER for suicidal ideation. They also had me fill out a meal preference sheet because you don't place orders or go to a cafeteria like in a regular hospital stay, you just get what they bring you.
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