... thanks to a later start time of 8:45 a.m. set in place by her school district two years ago. While making school start times later for high school students may yield benefits, they may come at the risk of poorer performance for elementary school students. For the 2016–2017 academic year, the high-school start time in Seattle, Wash., changed from 7:50 to 8:45 a.m. Students who took the biology class after the later start time … That’s why doctors, teachers and scientists have recommended for many years that school should start later. The study also showed that starting the school day a bit later was linked to improved academic performance and decreased sleepiness in kids. The start times of the high schools ranged from 8:00 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. Transportation challenges. Numerous studies have shown that later school start times are associated with positive student outcomes, including improvements in academic performance, mental and physical health, and public safety. In one 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, crash rates fell by 16.5% in the two years after a school district shifted its start times an hour later, compared to the two years before. (Cf. ; Less caffeine: Teens may be less likely to depend on caffeine to stay awake during the day. While the benefits are well-documented in the literature, there is opposition against delaying school times across the U.S. Sleep patterns are de-termined in part by sunrise times, which vary across time zones. School districts that experimented with later start times found that students coped with academic workloads much better. St Paul, MN: University of Minnesota. Since the marginal impact of start times on academic performance may decrease (or increase) for later start times, care should be taken in imputing the conclusions reached in this paper to schools that have a later start time. correlational and anecdotal evidence point toward the benefits of later school start times, the causal relationship between start times and academic achievement has only recently been studied. While there are numerous benefits of later school start times, there are a few possible negative outcomes: Scheduling conflicts. Eight high schools in five school districts in three states — Minnesota, Colorado, and Wyoming — agreed to participate in the CDC-funded study, which I conducted from 2010 to 2013 (Wahlstrom et al., 2014). Rise and Shine: The Effect of School Start Times on Academic Performance from Childhood through Puberty Jennifer Heisselyand Samuel Norrisz September 28, 2016 Abstract We analyze the effect of school start time on academic performance. Academic performance and attendance improved, and tardiness rates declined in schools with start times of 8:35 a.m. or later. If they fall asleep late, they’ll need more snooze time in the morning. Put another way, the gain from later start times found here derive largely from changes from 7:30 to 8:15. Scores on ; Better grades: Adequate sleep could help teens be more alert during the school day, which could boost their academic performance. Later School Start Time: The Impact of Sleep on Academic Performance and Health in the Adolescent Population Int J Environ Res Public Health. As far back as 1999, a member of Congress introduced a resolution to make school start times later. One of the reasons adolescents do not get enough sleep is early school start times. The ideal field experiment to study the potential benefits of later school start time on both sleep and academic performance should include schools that switched from an early start to a late start (or vice versa), in which students of the same grade, taking … Seattle high schools find later start time improves academic performance. SAN ANTONIO – Preliminary findings from a new study of middle school and high school students suggest that they got more sleep and were less likely to feel too sleepy to do homework after their district changed to later school start times.. The number of car crashes involving teen drivers went down, too, in … Research on the impact of later school start times on sleep hygiene and academic performance among middle school students is limited by small samples.
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